import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def location_identifier(staypoints, method="FREQ", pre_filter=True, **pre_filter_kwargs):
"""Assign "home" and "work" activity label for each user with different methods.
staypoints : Staypoints
Staypoints with column "location_id".
method : {'FREQ', 'OSNA'}, default "FREQ"
'FREQ': Generate an activity label per user by assigning the most visited location the label "home"
and the second most visited location the label "work". The remaining locations get no label.
'OSNA': Use weekdays data divided in three time frames ["rest", "work", "leisure"]. Finds most popular
home location for timeframes "rest" and "leisure" and most popular "work" location for "work" timeframe.
pre_filter : bool, default True
Prefiltering the staypoints to exclude locations with not enough data.
The filter function can also be accessed via `pre_filter_locations`.
pre_filter_kwargs : dict
Kwargs to hand to `pre_filter_locations` if used. See function for more informations.
sp: Staypoints
With additional column `purpose` assigning one of three activity labels {'home', 'work', None}.
The methods are adapted from [1]. The original algorithms count the distinct hours at a
location as the home location is derived from geo-tagged tweets. We directly sum the time
spent at a location as our data model includes that.
[1] Chen, Qingqing, and Ate Poorthuis. 2021.
‘Identifying Home Locations in Human Mobility Data: An Open-Source R Package for Comparison and Reproducibility’.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 0 (0): 1–24.
>>> from ti.analysis import location_identifier
>>> location_identifier(staypoints, pre_filter=True, method="FREQ")
sp = staypoints.copy()
if "location_id" not in sp.columns:
raise KeyError(
"To derive activity labels the Staypoints must have a column "
f"named 'location_id' but it has [{', '.join(sp.columns)}]"
if pre_filter:
f = pre_filter_locations(sp, **pre_filter_kwargs)
f = pd.Series(np.full(len(sp.index), True), index=sp.index)
if method == "FREQ":
method_val = freq_method(sp[f], "home", "work")
elif method == "OSNA":
method_val = osna_method(sp[f])
raise ValueError(f"Method {method} does not exist.")
sp.loc[f, "purpose"] = method_val["purpose"]
return sp
def pre_filter_locations(
"""Filter locations and user out that have not enough data to do a proper analysis.
To disable a specific filter parameter set it to zero.
staypoints : Staypoints
Staypoints with the column "location_id".
agg_level: {"user", "dataset"}, default "user"
The level of aggregation when filtering locations. 'user' : locations are filtered per-user;
'dataset' : locations are filtered over the whole dataset.
thresh_sp : int, default 10
Minimum staypoints a user must have to be included.
thresh_loc : int, default 10
Minimum locations a user must have to be included.
thresh_sp_at_loc : int, default 10
Minimum number of staypoints at a location must have to be included.
thresh_loc_time : str or pd.Timedelta, default "1h"
Minimum sum of durations that was spent at location to be included.
If str must be parsable by pd.to_timedelta.
thresh_loc_period : str or pd.Timedelta, default "5h"
Minimum timespan of first to last visit at a location to be included.
If str must be parsable by pd.to_timedelta.
total_filter: pd.Series
Boolean series containing the filter as a mask.
>>> from ti.analysis import pre_filter_locations
>>> mask = pre_filter_locations(staypoints)
>>> staypoints = staypoints[mask]
sp = staypoints.copy()
if isinstance(thresh_loc_time, str):
thresh_loc_time = pd.to_timedelta(thresh_loc_time)
if isinstance(thresh_loc_period, str):
thresh_loc_period = pd.to_timedelta(thresh_loc_period)
# filtering users
user = sp.groupby("user_id").nunique()
user_sp = user["started_at"] >= thresh_sp # every staypoint should have a started_at -> count
user_loc = user["location_id"] >= thresh_loc
user_filter_agg = user_sp & user_loc
user_filter_agg.rename("user_filter", inplace=True) # rename for merging
user_filter = pd.merge(sp["user_id"], user_filter_agg, left_on="user_id", right_index=True)["user_filter"]
# filtering locations
sp["duration"] = sp["finished_at"] - sp["started_at"]
if agg_level == "user":
groupby_loc = ["user_id", "location_id"]
elif agg_level == "dataset":
groupby_loc = ["location_id"]
raise ValueError(f"Unknown agg_level '{agg_level}' use instead {{'user', 'dataset'}}.")
loc = sp.groupby(groupby_loc).agg({"started_at": ["min", "count"], "finished_at": "max", "duration": "sum"})
loc.columns = loc.columns.droplevel(0) # remove possible multi-index
loc.rename(columns={"min": "started_at", "max": "finished_at", "sum": "duration"}, inplace=True)
# period for maximal time span first visit - last visit.
# duration for effective time spent at location summed up.
loc["period"] = loc["finished_at"] - loc["started_at"]
loc_sp = loc["count"] >= thresh_sp_at_loc
loc_time = loc["duration"] >= thresh_loc_time
loc_period = loc["period"] >= thresh_loc_period
loc_filter_agg = loc_sp & loc_time & loc_period
loc_filter_agg.rename("loc_filter", inplace=True) # rename for merging
loc_filter = pd.merge(sp[groupby_loc], loc_filter_agg, how="left", left_on=groupby_loc, right_index=True)
loc_filter = loc_filter["loc_filter"]
total_filter = user_filter & loc_filter
return total_filter
def freq_method(staypoints, *labels):
"""Generate an activity label per user.
Assigning the most visited location the label "home" and the second most visited location the label "work".
The remaining locations get no label.
Labels can also be given as arguments.
staypoints : Staypoints
Staypoints with the column "location_id".
labels : collection of str, default ("home", "work")
Labels in decreasing time of activity.
sp: Staypoints
The input staypoints with additional column "purpose".
>>> from ti.analysis import freq_method
>>> staypoints = freq_method(staypoints, "home", "work")
sp = staypoints.copy()
if not labels:
labels = ("home", "work")
for name, group in sp.groupby("user_id"):
if "duration" not in group.columns:
group["duration"] = group["finished_at"] - group["started_at"]
# pandas keeps inner order of groups
sp.loc[sp["user_id"] == name, "purpose"] = _freq_transform(group, *labels)
if "purpose" not in sp.columns: # if empty sp
sp["purpose"] = None
return sp
def _freq_transform(group, *labels):
"""Transform function that assigns the longest (duration) visited locations the labels in order.
group : pd.DataFrame
Should have columns "location_id" and "duration".
dtype : object
group_agg = group.groupby("location_id").agg({"duration": "sum"})
group_agg["purpose"] = _freq_assign(group_agg["duration"], *labels)
group_merge = pd.merge(
group["location_id"], group_agg["purpose"], how="left", left_on="location_id", right_index=True
return group_merge["purpose"]
def _freq_assign(duration, *labels):
"""Assign k labels to k longest durations the rest is `None`.
duration : pd.Series
dtype : object
kth = (-duration).argsort()[: len(labels)] # if inefficient use partial sort.
label_array = np.full(len(duration), fill_value=None)
labels = labels[: len(kth)] # if provided with more labels than entries.
label_array[kth] = labels
return label_array
def osna_method(staypoints):
"""Find "home" location for timeframes "rest" and "leisure" and "work" location for "work" timeframe.
Use weekdays data divided in three time frames ["rest", "work", "leisure"] to generate location labels.
"rest" + "leisure" locations are weighted together. The location with the longest duration is assigned "home" label.
The longest "work" location is assigned "work" label.
staypoints : Staypoints
Staypoints with the column "location_id".
The input staypoints with additional column "purpose".
The method is adapted from [1].
When "home" and "work" label overlap, the method selects the "work" location by the 2nd highest score.
The original algorithm count the distinct hours at a location as the home location is derived from
geo-tagged tweets. We directly sum the time spent at a location.
[1] Efstathiades, Hariton, Demetris Antoniades, George Pallis, and Marios Dikaiakos. 2015.
‘Identification of Key Locations Based on Online Social Network Activity’.
>>> from ti.analysis import osna_method
>>> staypoints = osna_method(staypoints)
sp_in = staypoints # no copy --> used to join back later.
sp = sp_in.copy()
sp["duration"] = sp["finished_at"] - sp["started_at"]
sp["mean_time"] = sp["started_at"] + sp["duration"] / 2
sp["label"] = sp["mean_time"].apply(_osna_label_timeframes)
sp.loc[sp["label"] == "rest", "duration"] *= 0.739 # weight given in paper
sp.loc[sp["label"] == "leisure", "duration"] *= 0.358 # weight given in paper
groups_map = {
"rest": "home",
"leisure": "home",
"work": "work",
} # weekends aren't included in analysis!
# groupby user, location and label.
groups = ["user_id", "location_id", sp["label"].map(groups_map)]
sp_agg = sp.groupby(groups)["duration"].sum()
if sp_agg.empty:
warnings.warn("Got empty table in the osna method, check if the dates lie in weekends.")
sp_in["purpose"] = pd.NA
return sp_in
# create a pivot table -> labels "home" and "work" as columns. ("user_id", "location_id" still in index.)
sp_pivot = sp_agg.unstack()
# get index of maximum for columns "work" and "home"
# looks over locations to find maximum for columns
# use fillna such that idxmax raises no error on columns with only NaT
sp_idxmax = sp_pivot.fillna(pd.Timedelta(0)).groupby(["user_id"]).idxmax()
# preset dtype to avoid upcast (float64 -> object) in pandas (and the corresponding error)
sp_pivot["purpose"] = None
# assign empty index to idx_work/idx_home to have a default behavior for the intersection later
idx_work = idx_home = pd.Index([])
if "work" in sp_pivot.columns:
# first get all index of max entries (of work) that are not NaT
idx_work = sp_pivot.loc[sp_idxmax["work"], "work"].dropna().index
# set them to the corresponding purpose (work)
sp_pivot.loc[idx_work, "purpose"] = "work"
if "home" in sp_pivot.columns:
# get all index of max entries (of home) that are not NaT
idx_home = sp_pivot.loc[sp_idxmax["home"], "home"].dropna().index
# set them to the corresponding purpose (home overrides work!)
sp_pivot.loc[idx_home, "purpose"] = "home"
# if override happened recalculate work
overlap = idx_home.intersection(idx_work)
if not overlap.empty:
# remove overlap -> must take another location as everything is NaT on maximum
sp_pivot.loc[overlap, "work"] = pd.NaT
sp_idxmax = sp_pivot["work"].fillna(pd.Timedelta(0)).groupby(["user_id"]).idxmax()
idx_work = sp_pivot.loc[sp_idxmax, "work"].dropna().index
sp_pivot.loc[idx_work, "purpose"] = "work"
# now join it back together
sel = sp_in.columns != "purpose" # no overlap with older "purpose"
return pd.merge(
sp_in.loc[:, sel],
left_on=["user_id", "location_id"],
def _osna_label_timeframes(dt, weekend=[5, 6], start_rest=2, start_work=8, start_leisure=19):
"""Help function to assign "weekend", "rest", "work", "leisure"."""
if dt.weekday() in weekend:
return "weekend"
if start_rest <= dt.hour < start_work:
return "rest"
if start_work <= dt.hour < start_leisure:
return "work"
return "leisure"