import pandas as pd
import trackintel as ti
from trackintel.model.util import (
_required_columns = ["user_id", "started_at", "finished_at"]
class Triplegs(TrackintelBase, TrackintelGeoDataFrame):
"""Trackintel class to treat a GeoDataFrame as a collections of `Tripleg`.
Requires at least the following columns:
['user_id', 'started_at', 'finished_at']
Requires valid line geometries; the 'index' of the GeoDataFrame will be treated as unique identifier
of the `triplegs`
For several usecases, the following additional columns are required:
['mode', 'trip_id']
A `Tripleg` (also called `stage`) is defined as continuous movement without changing the mode of transport.
'started_at' and 'finished_at' are timezone aware pandas datetime objects.
>>> triplegs.generate_trips()
def __init__(self, *args, validate=True, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if validate:
# create circular reference directly -> avoid second call of init via accessor
def as_triplegs(self):
return self
def validate(obj):
assert obj.shape[0] > 0, f"Geodataframe is empty with shape: {obj.shape}"
# check columns
if any([c not in obj.columns for c in _required_columns]):
raise AttributeError(
"To process a DataFrame as a collection of triplegs, it must have the properties"
f" {_required_columns}, but it has [{', '.join(obj.columns)}]."
# check timestamp dtypes
assert isinstance(
obj["started_at"].dtype, pd.DatetimeTZDtype
), f"dtype of started_at is {obj['started_at'].dtype} but has to be datetime64 and timezone aware"
assert isinstance(
obj["finished_at"].dtype, pd.DatetimeTZDtype
), f"dtype of finished_at is {obj['finished_at'].dtype} but has to be datetime64 and timezone aware"
# check geometry
assert (
), "Not all geometries are valid. Try x[~ x.geometry.is_valid] where x is you GeoDataFrame"
if obj.geometry.iloc[0].geom_type != "LineString":
raise TypeError("The geometry must be a LineString (only first checked).")
@doc(_shared_docs["write_csv"], first_arg="", long="triplegs", short="tpls")
def to_csv(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):, filename, *args, **kwargs)
@doc(_shared_docs["write_postgis"], first_arg="", long="triplegs", short="tpls")
def to_postgis(
self, name, con, schema=None, if_exists="fail", index=True, index_label=None, chunksize=None, dtype=None
):, name, con, schema, if_exists, index, index_label, chunksize, dtype)
def calculate_distance_matrix(self, Y=None, dist_metric="haversine", n_jobs=0, **kwds):
Calculate a distance matrix based on a specific distance metric.
See :func:`trackintel.geogr.calculate_distance_matrix` for full documentation.
return ti.geogr.calculate_distance_matrix(self, Y=Y, dist_metric=dist_metric, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwds)
def spatial_filter(self, areas, method="within", re_project=False):
Filter Triplegs on a geo extent.
See :func:`trackintel.geogr.spatial_filter` for full documentation.
return ti.geogr.spatial_filter(self, areas, method=method, re_project=re_project)
def generate_trips(self, staypoints, gap_threshold=15, add_geometry=True):
Generate trips based on staypoints and triplegs.
See :func:`trackintel.preprocessing.generate_trips` for full documentation.
return ti.preprocessing.generate_trips(staypoints, self, gap_threshold=gap_threshold, add_geometry=add_geometry)
def predict_transport_mode(self, method="simple-coarse", **kwargs):
Predict the transport mode of triplegs.
See :func:`trackintel.analysis.predict_transport_mode` for full documentation.
return ti.analysis.predict_transport_mode(self, method=method, **kwargs)
def calculate_modal_split(self, freq=None, metric="count", per_user=False, norm=False):
Calculate the modal split of triplegs.
See :func:`trackintel.analysis.calculate_modal_split` for full documentation.
return ti.analysis.calculate_modal_split(self, freq=freq, metric=metric, per_user=per_user, norm=norm)
def temporal_tracking_quality(self, granularity="all"):
Calculate per-user temporal tracking quality (temporal coverage).
See :func:`trackintel.analysis.temporal_tracking_quality` for full documentation.
return ti.analysis.temporal_tracking_quality(self, granularity=granularity)
def get_speed(self, positionfixes=None, method="tpls_speed"):
Compute the average speed per positionfix for each tripleg (in m/s)
See :func:`trackintel.geogr.get_speed_triplegs` for full documentation.
return ti.geogr.get_speed_triplegs(self, positionfixes=positionfixes, method=method)