Source code for trackintel.preprocessing.util

from datetime import timedelta

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shapely
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] def calc_temp_overlap(start_1, end_1, start_2, end_2): """ Calculate the portion of the first time span that overlaps with the second. Parameters ---------- start_1: datetime start of first time span end_1: datetime end of first time span start_2: datetime start of second time span end_2: datetime end of second time span Returns ------- float: The ratio by which the first timespan overlaps with the second. Examples -------- >>> ti.preprocessing.calc_temp_overlap(start_1, end_1, start_2, end_2) """ start = max(start_1, start_2) end = min(end_1, end_2) temp_overlap = max(timedelta(0), end - start) dur = end_1 - start_1 if dur <= timedelta(0): return 0 # either invalid or division 0 return temp_overlap / dur
[docs] def applyParallel(dfGrouped, func, n_jobs, print_progress, **kwargs): """ Funtion warpper to parallelize funtions after .groupby(). Parameters ---------- dfGrouped: pd.DataFrameGroupBy The groupby object after calling df.groupby(COLUMN). func: function Function to apply to the dfGrouped object, i.e., dfGrouped.apply(func). n_jobs: int The maximum number of concurrently running jobs. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. See for a detailed description print_progress: boolean If set to True print the progress of apply. **kwargs: Other arguments passed to func. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame: The result of dfGrouped.apply(func) Examples -------- >>> from trackintel.preprocessing.util import applyParallel >>> applyParallel(tpfs.groupby("user_id", as_index=False), func, n_jobs=2) """ df_ls = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(func)(group, **kwargs) for _, group in tqdm(dfGrouped, disable=not print_progress) ) return pd.concat(df_ls)
def _explode_agg(column, agg, orig_df, agg_df): """ Assign new aggrated information back to the original dataframe. Parameters ---------- column : IndexLabel Column(s) to explode. Should be index column of orig_df. agg : IndexLabel Aggregate column to join back to original df. orig_df : pd.DataFrame Original Dataframe without the aggregate column. agg_df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with the aggregate column. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Original Dataframe with additional colum from aggregated DataFrame. """ temp = agg_df.explode(column) temp = temp[temp[column].notna()] temp.index = temp[column] return_df = orig_df.join(temp[agg], how="left") # ensure index dtype the same as input return_df.index = return_df.index.astype(orig_df.index.dtype) return return_df def angle_centroid_multipoints(geometry): """Calculate the mean of angles of MultiPoints Parameters ---------- geometry : GeoSeries, shapely.geometry.Point, shapely.geometry.MultiPoint Should contain only Points or MultiPoints any other lead to wrong results. Returns ------- geopandas.GeometryArray Centroid of geometries (shapely.Point) """ g, index = shapely.get_coordinates(geometry, return_index=True) # number of coordinate pairs per MultiPoint count = np.bincount(index) x, y = g[:, 0], g[:, 1] # calculate mean of y Coordinates -> no wrapping y = np.bincount(index, weights=y) / count # calculate mean of x Coordinates with wrapping x_rad = np.deg2rad(x) x_sin = np.bincount(index, weights=np.sin(x_rad)) / count x_cos = np.bincount(index, weights=np.cos(x_rad)) / count x = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(x_sin, x_cos)) # shapely Geometry has no crs information crs = None if isinstance(geometry, BaseGeometry) else return gpd.points_from_xy(x, y, crs=crs)